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benefits of cassia alata

benefits of cassia alata   Cassia Alata , Organic candle bush Leaves , King of the medicinal plant , Freshly Picked Dehydrate To Order , craw-craw plant , Ayurveda  USDA Organic Wild Organic candle bush Leaves 100% Fresh Pure Ayurveda Herbs Pure Natural Chemical Free Handmade Guaranteed FRESHLY MADE TO ORDER 100% ORGANIC PRODUCT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - No GMO - No pesticides - No chemicals - No colors - No additives - No preservatives ------------------------------ Edible Uses Edible Parts: Leaves Seedpod Edible Uses: Young leaves - cooked. Toasted leaves are sometimes used as a coffee substitute. Young pods - cooked and eaten as a vegetable Only used in small amounts Senna Alata | Cassia Alata is a very important medicinal plant with amazing medicinal uses and health benefits. It is native to Mexico and but now can be found in many parts of the world. In India, it is found commonly and can be easily found along road sides and

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