Coconut Shell for handicraft or pet feeder For Candles Make

Coconut Shell for handicraft or pet feeder For Candles Make

 These are sun dried without using any chemical,there by ensure the authenticity of coconut shell (Natural)
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Any amount of coconut shells. Activated carbon, manufactured by heating coconut shells at very high temperatures in kilns, is used for purification of fruit juices, vegetable oils, glycerine and Jaggery. It is also used for water purification. The shells can also be used for making charcoal and coconut shell powder.
Coconut flesh is delicious and nutritious. The coconut shell has uses too, and finding ways to re-purpose coconut shells you've got left over can prove an Eco-friendly way to create a few things for around the house that help you out

****************************************************************Container: Use the coconut shell to keep trinkets, treasures and small items in. Things to keep inside might include rubber bands, keys, toys, pens and pencils, twist ties, your stash of used plastic bags, etc.

**Plant holder: Grow a small plant in the coconut shell. While half a coconut shell can work, having it cut about three quarters of its height is usually the best size for a coconut shell plant holder. Drill or pierce some drainage holes in the base of the shell first, and line with sphagnum moss.

** Hanging plant holders are another option.

** Bird feeder: Turn into a hanging bird feeder. Drill some holes at even spaces around the top and thread through some heavy twine or thin rope. Tie at the top with a ring or similar to allow for hanging. Fill with birdseed and hang in an appropriate place. Clean regularly.

**An alternative is to fill the feeder with suet/fat and seed mix, using the shell as the mould and container for the mix.

**Children's crafts: Have the kids use their imagination to turn coconut shell halves into heads, faces, toys, decorations or anything else that takes their fancy.

**Basket: As with the idea for the bird feeder, add heavy string or light rope to form a hanging handle. Use the coconut shell basket to carry things in, such as freshly cut herbs and flowers, freshly laid eggs and seeds from your garden.

**Natural candle holder: If you like making your own candles, use the coconut as the container into which you tip the wax. Keep the wick centered and it'll be a great candle for many hours.

**Bowl: As a bowl, the shell can hold anything you like. A fun thing to try is a bowl of nuts still in their shells; try macadamias, Brazil nuts, almonds and walnuts, for example. Keep a nutcracker nearby to encourage snacking on healthy nuts.


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