Benefits Of Kaffir Lime Leaves

Benefits Of Kaffir Lime Leaves 

Kaffir Lime Leaves, Organic Citrus hystrix,Fresh, Pick to Order,Bad Breath No More,Get Healthy, Glowing Skin

Kaffir lime, scientifically termed as Citrus hystrix is a citrus fruit widely cultivated in Southeast Asian countries, including India where it is widely used in Bengali and South Indian cuisines. Not only are the fruits of kaffir lime plants, but their peels and leaves have great importance in flavouring dishes, preparing fragrance and treating various ailments.

Kaffir lime, like other limes, looks dark green when raw and yellow when ripen. It has wrinkles on the surface of the fruit or say, have a bumpy surface which gives it a different look from the regular limes available in the market.

The leaves of the plant are dark green and glossy. They are mainly crushed for their intense citrus aroma and added to flavour dishes like fish and curries. As kaffir lime produces very little juice, its rind or outer skin is also finely grated to be used in various cuisines for the citrus flavour. Take a look at the details on kaffir lime.

Nutritional Profile Of Kaffir Lime According to a study, the main constituents in kaffir lime peel are limonene, beta-pinene and sabinene while the leaves contain citronellal as the main compound. The leaf and peel of the fruit are packed with phenolic compounds and antioxidants. However, the main part of the fruit is its juice which is full of flavonoids and possess a very strong antioxidant activity.  Apart from that, kaffir lime is a good source of vitamin C, dietary fibre, calcium, folate, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin B1, magnesium, riboflavin, phosphorus and pantothenic acid.

Health Benefits Of Kaffir Lime

1. Stress, Stress Go Away

The reason why the leaves are used in cooking is due to their intense citrus aroma. Half of the taste is in the smell and this is why Thai foods are so delicious!

The fragrance comes from the essential oils in Kaffir lime. Kaffir lime oil is used in aromatherapy to reduce stress, anxiety, and fatigue from sickness.

Inhaling the oil will do wonders for your body and mind. In fact, just keeping a kaffir lime houseplant is often enough to keep your energy up for the whole day.

2. Bad Breath No More

Before the invention of toothpaste, people in Southeast Asia have been chewing on Kaffir lime leaves for oral hygiene.

And they were right! Scientists in Thailand have developed an herbal film containing a mixture of Kaffir and guava to study their effects on bad breath. The mixture was shown to be effective in suppressing the garlic odor.

The anti-halitosis effect comes from both the pleasant fragrance of the aromatic oils and the natural antibacterial properties of the leaves.

Who needs breath mints?

3. No Bacteria Allowed

The leaves of the Kaffir lime contain substances that have antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus which is a common skin pathogen.

Kaffir lime extracts prevent the growth of bacteria on wounds to facilitate healing. This makes them effective topical antiseptics.

Their antibacterial property and pleasant smell are also reasons why Kaffir oils are in deodorants.

4. Get Healthy, Glowing Skin

Essential oils from Kaffir lime leaves can also kill Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria we see in acne. Together with the anti-inflammatory effects, these oils may help reduce the formation of acne and subsequent development of scars and blemishes.

The terpenes in Kaffir lime oil, such as citronellal and limonene, have antioxidant qualities. Antioxidants are all the rage in skin care products today. They help you reverse the effects of aging on your skin and maintain a healthy glow.

5. Protect Your Mane

Kaffir lime and other citrus extracts can be found in shampoo and other hair products. The oil is very effective in untangling hair strands and in washing away dirt and grease.

Bad hair days are now behind you!

It seems that we're not running out of the protective properties of Kaffir lime. Because in addition to their antibacterial virtues, they're also anti-dandruff and anti-lice.

6. Buzz Off!

When you're traveling abroad, you would be very irresponsible if you don't bring an insect repellant with you. Some insects -- mosquitoes, in particular -- carry diseases such as malaria and dengue.

Lemongrass and Kaffir lime both produce citronella oil which is a natural insect repellant. Instead of using commercial insect sprays which may contain harmful chemicals, go with the solution that is all-natural.

Healthy Living with Kaffir Leaves

The benefits of Kaffir leaves keep growing every day, as more and more properties are being discovered. While they're known for the lemony aroma in Asian food and wonderful Kaffir lime leaves recipes, don't discount the health benefits that they bring.





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